Mark Jameson, Owner
Mr. Jameson grew up oldest of 3 sisters and 1 brother. Has always been around kids. Has been doing Tae Kwon Do since the age of 8 under the Instruction of Tom Bradach.
He received his black belt at the age of 12 and then began teaching. He is now a 2nd degree Black Belt working for his 3rd Degree. Teaching is his life passion: He has an Yellow belt in Judo and Yellow Belt in Self Defense.
He strongly believes in the Tenants of TKD not only on the dojo floor but off as well. His future goal is to continue to see kids strive for excellence in all areas of their life and continue to grow and inspire others.
He hopes that as long as his students continue to learn and grow that he will learn and grow from them.
Jerry McKenna
Black Belt
Tae Kwon Do Instructor
Val Hudson
Black Belt
Tae Kwon Do Assistant Instructor
Bachelors Degree in Education
Mason Jameson
Black Belt TKD Instructor